David C. Dalton
Web Application & Database Development, Responsive Website Design, Programming & SEO Services
Each and every project that comes to light has its own unique business rules and requirements. If anyone tells you they have "done a project exactly like that" they are kidding themselves. Every application requires a complete understanding of your business, its advantages and limitations along with your expectations for it.
Web Application Projects
Firearm Owners Against Crime ILLEA
This is an offshoot of the original Firearms Owners Against Crime Organization that has all the capabilities of the original organization, full member control panel and full admin panel that allows admins to control every aspect of the membership, website and legislation that is pulled from outside sources.
The site is fully responsive HTML 5 over a PHP / Postgresql engine that includes an admin area and a member area that allows members to update their information and allows the site admin to control all aspects of the membership and website.
Pleiku Airbase Association
We donated our services to build a new, more modern, website for the Pleiku Airbase Association which is an association for service members that served at or around the Pleiku airbase in South Vietnam from 1966-1972. My father actually served there as a pilot with the 362nd Tactical Electronic Warfare squadron in 1968 & 1969.
The site is fully responsive HTML 5 over a PHP / Postgresql engine that includes an admin area and a member area that allows members to update their information and photos and allows the site admin to control all aspects of the membership and website.
Hemderson Medical Transcription
This application handles all communication and file transfers for this medical transcription company in Canada. The system offers an easy to use interface while providing the utmost security of files and patient information.
The site is fully responsive HTML 5 over a PHP / Postgresql engine that includes an admin area and a client area that handle all file transfers and communication between the company and its clients.
Hearts In Cars (temporarily closed)
This site is a unique 'spin' on dating sites that uses a magnetic idenfier that you attach to your car. Other people can then search on the website to find and connect with you. The site includes a member area with other searches and a custom chat application.
The site is fully responsive HTML 5 over a PHP / Postgresql engine that includes an admin area that allows the owners full control over the members and the site pages.
Bob & AJs Archery World
This new archery shop located in southeastern Pennsylvania needed an eyepopping website for their grand opening along with the functionality of a Wordpress site but without all the WP hassles.
The site is fully responsive HTML 5 over a PHP / Postgresql engine. The admin allows them to make changes to all the pages on the site, add and remove products and product categories and much more.
Firearm Owners Against Crime
This Pennsylvania PAC was stuck in a horrific Joomla set up that limited their ability to do anything with the site and membership. The application is built in PHP over a Postgresql database that includes a massive secured administration area that allows this organization to manage their members, contacts, legislation, products as well as all the areas of the website along with a secured members area. Application also has multiple e-commerce areas communicating with authorize.net.
The U.S. Will Registry
This client had literally had her application built three times by three different 'developers', none of which seemed to be able to complete the project. After many meetings and detailed specifications I was able to bring her vision to life. The application is built in PHP over a Postgresql database that includes a complete secured administration area, secured attorney administration area and secured client area. Application also has multiple e-commerce areas communicating with authorize.net.
Household Staffing
This company was 'stuck' in an ancient, proprietary ASP setup with fees charged to the owner every time she wanted the slightest of changes. We salvaged their corrupted MS SQL Server database and created a new Postgresql dastabase using her existing data and recreated the front end in PHP. The application also has control panels for applicants, clients and an administration panel that allows them full control over their users.
The American Gun Owners Alliance
This new guns rights organization and website is the largest firearm related legislation & law website of it's kind. Existing laws are pulled from state and federal websites as they are added and proposed legislation is imported nightly from a 3rd party via cron jobs. Laws are continually updated allowing members to track their movement through the entire process. The site also includes attorney listings, group and organizations, gun shows, rallies and other events. Application also has multiple e-commerce areas communicating with authorize.net.
Built in PHP over a Postgresql database.
Texas Commission On State Emergency Communications Finance System
The 'sister' application to the CSEC PSAP reporting system, this application handles all money and budgeting for all 911 emergency services in the state of Texas. The entire system was rebuilt using jQuery driven front end over PHP and a Postgresql database to create a RIA approach to this government application.
Click on the image or the site title to read more about this application.
Texas Commission On State Emergency Communications PSAP Reporting System
We were contracted by Firecat Studios in Texas to overhaul this antiquated (originally built in 1999) system, basically from the ground up. This application handles the state government's reporting for all emergency services within the state based on COG (central organized government), quarters and years. The entire system was rebuilt using jQuery driven front end over PHP and a Postgresql database to create a RIA approach to this government application.
Click on the image or the site title to read more about this application.
Waterstone Wildlife
The owner of this website, a self-proclaimed 'technophobe' wanted to be able to update all the aspects of her website without knowing any HTML code or programming but she was stuck in a plain HTML website. She contacted me to see if I could build her a CMS that would allow her the freedom to handle all the site's changes with simple point and click functionality.
I built her an administration panel that allows her to easily create galleries and upload images to them, create blog posts for her journal, and edit all the site's pages. Within several days of first getting into her admin panel what was once work has become fun.
Built in PHP over a Postgresql database.
After attempts by other developers to customize free jQuery photo galleries with limited success this customer decided they wanted a complete application built their way. The bulk of the application is 'behind the scenes' in a very powerful administration panel that allows complete control over every aspect of his website and his photography.
The sites administration panel allows drag and drop image uploading and re-ordering of 'nodes' (galleries and categories) as well as a database design that allows for an unlimited amount of galleries and categories with unlimited 'depth'. Each function within the admin panel is geared towards simplicity for 'non technical' people while still allowing complete control of the site's content, galleries and nodes.
Galleries are Javascript driven but unlike the free versions of jQuery galleries the application does not attempt to load all of the thumbnails into a list on page load. This helps speed up load time on galleries no matter how many images may be there.
Built in PHP over a Postgresql database
Purchased by one of my ongoing clients this site was an absolute mess. After wading through thousands of ancient HTML and PHP3 files we decided it was time to bring it into the 21 century but with a 'stripped down' 90's feel. Created all new database tables and scripting, along with new front end forms and searches that used the old database and the new ones combined. Includes a complete admin section that allows the owner complete control over the site and the database. Built in PHP over a MySQL database.
I was originally contacted about this site for search engine optimization problems but quickly found the site had more issues than that. Did a complete overhaul of the front end, from tables to tableless CSS driven site, rewrote all front end SQL to improve the speed of the searchs (searches now load 80% faster) as well as changing all URLs, page titles, meta tag information and headings to SEO friendly ones. Within one month of completion the owners of this site have reported traffic increases of 198%.

Artists Networks of Upstate New York, Inc (closed due to owner's death)
An extremely interesting and complex directory project. The main site is a portal to 7 other region specific sites. What makes this project interesting is that all 8 sites run on the same application and hosting plan along with a central administration panel that allows the organization to control all 8 sites and their regional data from one place. While they have not yet done so each individual site can be styled to look as unique as they wish via CSS. The site runs PHP over a Postgresql database.
Working along with two other developers I created the front end layout and design along with the administration control panel for this massive photography website.
A new concept in the music business that allows singers and producers to connect with each other via a easy to use web application. I handled all database design, project management over several other programmers and created an administration section that allows the owners to manage every aspect of the site and its users.
Employment Placement Online Candidate Tool
Developed for Pat Allen Associates
Bringing an 'old school' business onto the internet is always a challenge. This company, in business since 1980 wanted an online employment candidate tool that could be used from various offices without the normal problems of multi office data. After creating a new Postgresql database and importing years of existing data I created this easy to use placement tool. Click the link above for more application details.
Used Car Dealer Application
Developed for Dealer Trader (no longer in business)
This application automates the entire vehicle location process, removing the need for member dealers to spend hours weekly traveling from auction to auction in search of vehicles. Dealers may also set up want lists for vehicles they need, using specific model data and the distance they are willing to travel to purchase a vehicle.
Government Sales / Bidding Application
Developed for Challenge Industries
An enormous project and quite possibly the first automated government bidding tool created. I developed this application between 2002-2003 for a NJ based company that wanted to increase their competitiveness in US government bidding. While no longer in use this tool allowed this company to accurately bid on 3 times the amount of contracts they had previously bid.