David C. Dalton
Web Application & Database Development, Responsive Website Design, Programming & SEO Services
Pat Allen Associates Employment Web Application
Click on thumbnails to view larger screen shots (screen shots open in new window). Note: Due to the nature of this application (job seekers personal data) many of the names, and other information has been altered.
Pat Allen Associates Inc (patallen.com)
This mid-sized Speciality Employment recruiter had been struggling along for years using antiquated, DOS based, software to match potential candidates with job openings. To make matters worse each computer relied on its own database so data standardization and sharing was next to impossible. This company contacted us to develop an intranet system that could be accessed from any machine within the company’s network and without any specialized software required. Our solution is a browser-based server-side Java™ application running over a Postgresql database.
Information from new candidates is handled via the company’s web site and instantly transferred to the intranet database, making it instantly accessible to anyone logged into the system. This easy to use 5 page form walks potential candidates through the input of all of their personal, education, work experience, and relocation information. Once entered the candidate may edit their information and then upload a resume to the server. Newly entered candidate profiles are logged into each users 'watch list' so no new profile is missed.
Searching for a candidate is handled via 14 different search functions, each specialized search provides the user quick access to find people for different situations. Search results are easily re sortable via a resort toolbar at the right of the screen. This resort function allows the results to be re-sorted by multiple fields. The currently viewed query may also be edited via an 'edit query' box located at the right of each screen.
Candidates profiles may be viewed easily and quickly by clicking on the candidates name within the search results. Users may add comments to the candidates profile from this screen without having to lock down the row in the database in 'edit mode'. Once a user enters 'edit mode' the current candidates information is locked down via the application to prevent cross corruption of data. Since the amount of information available for an individual candidate fills over 3 screens a simple 'click to collapse' system has been used to hide any information the user does not require at that moment.
The application also provides a simple to use 'watch list', resume update / upload or deletion of a candidate's profile. Since the data imported into this program came from multiple databases a quick-link 'Duplicate Search' to help clean the database out.
Application Specs
- Validated XHTML 1.0 Strict
- Java™ JSP / Servlet Driven
- Postgresql Database
- Concept to Roll Out Development Time: 4 months
Candidate Input Application

Sample Candidate Search Form

Candidate Search Results Screen

Candidate Profile Pages

Edit Candidate Profile Page